
The gospel of Jesus Christ is central to everything we do

What is the Gospel?

The gospel (or good news) is the glorious message of God’s creation of the world, humanity’s rebellion against Him, the redemptive work of Jesus Christ in restoring that relationship, and the hopeful expectation of the restoration of all creation. The gospel brings life transformation, and affects every area of life. At Hope Community Church, the gospel of Jesus Christ is central to everything that we are about. We have little to offer anyone except the gospel.

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The Vision of Hope Community Church is to honor God by helping as many people as possible become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

What does that mean?

When we say “fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ”, this doesn’t necessarily mean “be a super Christian.” Let’s take a moment to say all the things we don’t mean when we say that:

It’s not a class you can complete.

It’s not just for leaders or those skilled in areas of Christian ministry.

It’s not assumed you’re fully-devoted just because you come on Sunday morning, attend a small group, come to a Bible study, give money, serve frequently, receive communion, etc.

It’s not praying a prayer to receive Jesus into your life and heart.

It’s not just knowing about God or about what God wants for this world, people and the church.

It’s not about becoming a member at this church or any church.

Well, then, what do we mean by “fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ?”

We believe that a fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ is someone who God has brought to new life through belief in Jesus Christ and God is continuously growing in maturity through his Spirit, the Word, and other believers to make them a continual light to the world.


Sermons on Vision


Hope Downtown – Minneapolis

Who is Hope Community Church Downtown – Part 1
Who is Hope Community Church Downtown – Part 2

Hope Lowertown – St. Paul

Where We Have Been
Where We Are Going

Hope Heights – Columbia Heights

For Great Joy – In the Church
For Great Joy – In the World

Statement of Faith

The following are the core beliefs of Hope Community Church based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.

The Word of God

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, fully inspired and without error in the original manuscripts, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that it has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20,21; Mark 13:31; John 8:31,32; John 20:31; Acts 20:32

The Trinity

We believe that there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons, that these are equal in every divine perfection, and that they execute distinct but harmonious offices in the work of creation, providence and redemption. Gen. 1:1,26; Isa 44:6-8; John 1:1,3; Matt. 28:19; John 4:24; Rom. 1:19,20; Eph. 4:5-6

God the Father

We believe in God, the Father, an infinite, personal spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power and love. We believe that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of each person, that He hears and answers prayer, and He saves from sin and death all who come to Him through Jesus Christ. Luke 10:21,22; Matt. 23:9; John 3:16; 6:27; Rom. 1:7; 1 Tim. 1:1,2; 2:5,6; 1 Peter 1:3; Rev. 1:6

Jesus Christ

We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit. We believe in His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles and teachings. We believe in His substitutionary atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension into heaven, perpetual intercession for His people, and personal visible return to earth. Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38; John 1:1, 20:28; Rom. 9:5; 8:3-4; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Peter 2:21-23; John 20:30,31; Matt. 20:28; Eph. 1:4; Acts 1:11; Rom. 5:6-8; 6:9,10; Heb. 7:25; 9:28; 1 Tim. 3:16

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit who came forth from the Father and Son to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and to regenerate, sanctify, empower, and gift all who believe in Jesus Christ. We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells all who believe in Christ, and that He is an abiding helper, teacher and guide. John 14:16-17, 26; 15:26,27; 16:9-14; Rom. 8:9; 1 Cor. 3:16; 6:19; Gal. 5:22-26


We believe that all people are sinners by nature and by choice and are, therefore, under condemnation. We believe that those who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior are regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Gen. 1:26; 5:2; Gen. 3; 2:17; 3:19; Eccl. 2:11; John 3:14; 5:24; 5:30; 7:13; 8:12; 10:26; Rom. 9:22; 2 Thes. 1:9; Rev. 19:3, 20; 20:10; 14:15; 21:18; Psa 51:7; Jer. 17:9; James 1:14; Rom. 3:19; 5:19; Prov. 28:13; 1 John 1:9; 3:16; John 1:13; 2 Cor. 5:17; Rom. 8:1

The Church

We believe in the universal church, a living spiritual body of which Christ is the head and all regenerated persons are members. We believe in the local church, consisting of a company of believers in Jesus Christ, baptized on a credible confession of faith, and associated for worship, work and fellowship. We believe that God has laid upon the members of the local church the primary tasks of living a life of worship, nurturing the body of believers and giving the gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost world. Eph. 2:19-22; Acts 1:8; Eph. 5:19-21; Acts 2:42; Heb. 10:23-25

Christian Conduct

We believe that Christians should live for the glory of God and the well-being of others; that their conduct should be blameless before the world; that they should be faithful stewards of their possessions; and that they should seek to realize for themselves and others the full stature of maturity. 1 Cor. 10:31; Rom. 12:1-3; Heb. 12:1-2; John 14:15, 23-24; I John 2:3-6; 2 Cor. 9:6-9; 1 Cor. 4:2; Col. 1:9-10

The Ordinances

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has committed two ordinances to the local church: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We believe that Christian baptism is the public declaration of a believer’s faith in Christ alone for the forgiveness of their sins. We believe that immersion of the believer in water in the name of the triune God is the richest expression of the New Testament example. We believe that the Lord’s Supper was instituted by Christ for commemoration of His death. We believe that these two ordinances should be observed and administered until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Matt. 28:18-20; Rom. 6:3-5; 1 Cor. 11:23-26

Religious Liberty

We believe that every human being has direct relations with God, and is responsible to God alone in all matters of faith; that each church is independent and must be free from interference by an ecclesiastical political authority; that therefore Church and State must be kept separate as having different functions, each fulfilling its duties free from dictation or patronage of the other. 1 Tim. 2:5; Rom. 14: 7-9, 12

Church Cooperation

We believe that local churches can effectively promote the cause of Jesus Christ by cooperating with one another in a denominational organization. Such an organization, whether a regional or district conference, exists and functions by the will of the churches. Cooperation in a conference is voluntary and may be terminated at any time. Churches may likewise cooperate with interdenominational fellowships on a voluntary basis. Acts 15:36, 41; 16:5; 1 Cor. 16:1; Gal. 1:1-3; Rev. 1:4, 10, 11

The Last Things

We believe in the personal and visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth and the establishment of His kingdom. We believe in the resurrection of the body, the final judgment, the eternal felicity of the righteous, and the endless suffering of the wicked. Matt. 16:27; Mark 14:62; John 14:3; Acts. 1:11; Phil. 3:20; 1 Thes. 4:15; 2 Tim. 4:1; Titus 2:13; 1 Cor. 4:5; 1 Cor. 15; 2 Thes. 1:7-10; Rev. 20:4-6, 11-15

Core Values

Our core values flow from a commitment to see our vision happen wherever God has called us and within our natural network of relationships.

For God’s Glory

In all the universe, there is nothing more important than God. God’s glory is the radiance of all that He is, and is what we are created to enjoy. Therefore, all of our ministries and efforts are about glorifying God and we will aim to worship God in all that we do, not just in our corporate worship alone, but through the rest of our lives as well.

“It ain’t about us, it’s about God.”

By God’s Grace

The grace of God shall permeate all that we do. We acknowledge that our only hope for a restored relationship with God is through the grace given to us at the cross of Jesus Christ. We will operate in a spirit of grace and humility, and will allow ourselves to be broken over our own sin.

“We are all poster children for grace.”

Through the Truth of the Word of God

The Bible is our source of truth and our guide for living. Real life change happens only when it brings our lives into alliance with the God-inspired words of Scripture. We value teaching, preaching, studying and meditating upon God’s Word.

“God’s Word changes lives!”

Depending on God Through the Holy Spirit

We have no desire to have the ministry of this church be powered on our own strength. We will rely on the Holy Spirit to lead, empower, and comfort us as we eagerly learn how to personally and corporately pray and worship.

“Be a sailboat, catching the wind of the Spirit – not a speedboat, under your own power.”

Because All People Matter to God

The reason we desire to minister to others is because people, all people, matter to God. No matter how far away from God they may seem, they all matter to God (Luke 15). Therefore we will be relevant by being contemporary and removing any unnecessary obstacles to help people see Jesus Christ. We want to honor where each person is at in their personal spiritual journey, while encouraging them to go farther. We will do this all in a God honoring manner.

“People matter to God.”

Therefore, We Hope to Make Disciples

Through loving relationships and the community created at Hope Community Church, we aim to make fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who would engage in knowing Jesus Christ through study and service. We highly value the smaller groups (mentorship relationships, small and cell groups, etc.) that can help facilitate these kinds of life long, authentic, God-centered friendships.

“Community is our middle name” & “Make fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”

And, Ultimately Spread the Kingdom of God

We believe that as believers, we are on the offensive in a spiritual battle and therefore we will seek to go into the kingdom of darkness to do as much damage as we possibly can. We value kingdom of God related prayer, outreach, children’s ministry, community service, church planting, and leadership development to accomplish this.

“Go into the kingdom of darkness and trash the joint.”


And it shall be said, “Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every obstruction from my people’s way.”

—Isaiah 57:14